My catalan speech
I remember the first day I went to primary and the teachers asked me, “
Parles catala?” and I said , “No, but I speak some Spanish.” I didn’t realize
then but I had made a fatal mistake. Santa Coloma de Farners is
in-inde-independencia. Since that day I have bought a flag, practiced Spanish,
and of course learned Catalan.
Now, at the end of this year all of the teachers have changed, they speak to me and Sam in English, Spanish or Catalan. I was very happy this year because more teachers came to our English classes. Also the students speak to me in different languages, some even speak to me in English.
Okay by now I am sure you are wondering why is she speaking in Catalan? She’s American! It is so everyone can understand when I say: THANK YOU. Thank you for letting me live at your houses, or hangout with your family and friends. Thank you for coming to English class and trying to speak a foreign Language. I know how difficult it can be. Thank you for helping, listening, and encouraging me.
But most importantly, thank you for making me feel like I belong in La Salle. I WILL MISS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!
Now, at the end of this year all of the teachers have changed, they speak to me and Sam in English, Spanish or Catalan. I was very happy this year because more teachers came to our English classes. Also the students speak to me in different languages, some even speak to me in English.
Okay by now I am sure you are wondering why is she speaking in Catalan? She’s American! It is so everyone can understand when I say: THANK YOU. Thank you for letting me live at your houses, or hangout with your family and friends. Thank you for coming to English class and trying to speak a foreign Language. I know how difficult it can be. Thank you for helping, listening, and encouraging me.
But most importantly, thank you for making me feel like I belong in La Salle. I WILL MISS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!
Recordo el meu primer dia. Vaig
anar a l’edifici de Primària i els professors em van dir: - Parles català? -
No, però parlo una mica d’espanyol- vaig respondre. No me’n vaig adonar però havia comès un error fatal! Santa Coloma
de Farners és un poble d’aquests de…: In-inde-independència…! Des d’aquell dia he
portat una bandera, he practicat espanyol i, com no, he après el català.
Ara, al final d’aquest temps
tots els professors han canviat, parlen amb en Sam o amb mi, en anglès,
espanyol o català. He estat molt contenta aquest any, perquè han vingut més
professors i professores a les nostres classes d’anglès. També els alumnes
parlen amb mi en diferents llengües, alguns d’ells fins i tot en anglès.
Sí, d’acord, ara mateix us
estareu preguntant perquè aquesta noieta americana està parlant en català.
Simplement vull que tothom entengui tot el que estic dient...
GRÀCIES! Gràcies per
deixar-me viure a les vostres llars, per compartir amb les vostres famílies i
amics. Gràcies per venir a les classes d’anglès i esforçar-vos per parlar una
llengua estrangera. Sé de la dificultat que això comporta! Gràcies per
ajudar-me, escoltar-me i encoratjar-me en tot moment.
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